Hello Guys!
My name is Naomi. Born in Switzerland, I am very lucky to be raised multicultural, I speak 5 languages. Ok, my french is not very good but I can communicate and whats more important then communication?
So whats more to tell about me?
I am a passionate singer, I love everything about music. To feel it, to hear it and to dance (even if I am a really bad dancer, but who cares). I think music connects each other and has healing powers. We should all use the power of music to communicate with one another.
My life has always been about things I am passionate about. I also like to move a lot like jogging, swimming, ride the bike and a lot more.
Since 7 Years, I am also into Yoga, I love the philosophy and to move from within. I support the feeling that I am not doing this to look my best but to feel my best.
Cooking is another thing I absolutely like. It can be so relaxing and has a lot to do with creativity. I adore trying some new things and be inventive. Since I am a vegetarian, I think there is a lot of creativity even in the aspect of “restriction”.
My background
As I already wrote I was born in Basel (Switzerland), where I still live. Since 2019 I live with my boyfriend, who means everything to me. With him I did my first surf-trip and road trips. He opened my eyes to this wonderful world and I hope more travelling will follow.
My sister is another big inspiration she helps me with ideas for the blog, shares my thoughts and is very supportive. So here is a big thank you for one of the most special person in my life. Thank you Lexxii:D
My whole school career is hard to explain but I was at high school here. At first I had the dream to become a doctor, since a little girl I wanted this, so I worked hard for it. In Switzerland when your finish high school you have to absolve an exam to study medicine, so I did it and did not pass this exam. As I got back the results I realized that I wanted to do something else. I started to study earth sciences to do the bachelor and then finish with the master in sustainable development. Everything changed as I begun to study, I had the feeling that I was not ready at all to study so I decided to do first something more practical before thinking about other possibilities. I quitted the “university” after absolving one great year with my project-group which I have founded with two of my study colleagues. I will tell you more in one of my blog-posts.
After all this I started my formation as a nurse. When I finished the nursing school after 3 years, I started working in the Merian Iselin Klinik. There I soon became vocational trainer and helped other students in different fields.
But it was not enough, I still had not buried my dream so I tried one more time. And now long story short: I am a doctor in the making and still improving myself everyday so that I can be the best version of myself.
Why this Website?
The environment is still one of my biggest thoughts, when I go to sleep. I will never go to bed without thinking about all those beautiful thing we have on this earth and I am so grateful for everything mother nature gives us. I want to make a change on this planet and I want to encourage as many people as I can, to do the same, not only for themselves but for everybody. I think that I am not the only one who thinks like this and I already started some projects but until now I never had the chance to share all my thoughts with other people around the world.
I am an over thinking person and I hope you can help me organize, understand and support my thoughts. You are very welcome to come and reflect with me.