Category: All around the Bean-Coffee

  • Merry Christmas !

    Merry Christmas !

    Merry Christmas to all of you, who have made their way to my website these days, if not I hope you had a nice time with your family & friends and welcome to a new year. This week I have found some new clothes for your wardrobe. These clothes are very suitable for after the…

  • Coffeemushrooms


    Hello, it`s great that you have found your way to my website, this time I will invite you for dinner. I hope you are hungry for mushrooms, if so, please take a seat. Dinner is about to get served. Like I explained in my previous posts we only use a little part of the coffeebean,…

  • Coffee: A real piece of jewellery

    Coffee: A real piece of jewellery

    This week, I surfed around the internet for you and reached the sea of Melbourne.  Of course I didn`t just look around to find some surfspots to escape the cold weather here, I actually found an amazing woman who I’d like to introduce in this Blogpost. I hope I can bring some warm thoughts to…

  • Koffie Recycling Nederland

    Koffie Recycling Nederland

    This is the firs project I want to present in this serie of posts, because it was also the one, who gave me the idea of starting those coffee related posts. In the Netherlands around 120 Million Coffee beans are consumed every year. Thats also the reason why the Netherlands can call themselves, fifth largest…

  • Coffee


    Coffee I really don’t know where I would be without my daily treat of coffee, ok well I probably would be sleeping… But what most people don’t know is that coffee is a lot more then just late nights of work. Its actually good for your health if you don’t drink too much of it and…